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Supporting Reproductive Health 
and Enhancing Fertility

We work together to address your specific needs. Typically 4 professional sessions (at a minimum) are required to address most conditions. Clients who perform Self-Care techniques on a routine basis report drastic improvements in their symptoms.


3 months of Arvigo® Therapy is recommended for supporting preconception and is recommended for optimizing both natural conception and Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART). 

reproductive health and enhancing fertility

"The uterus is the woman's core, if it is out of balance, her whole life is out of balance - physically, emotionally, mentally & spiritually." Don Elijio Panti, Maya Shaman of Belize 1893-1996

The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® can benefit women from the onset of Menses through Menopause by addressing many common symptoms: 

  • Acute and chronic bladder infections, and urinary frequency, urgency and incontinence 
  • Blood clots and excessive bleeding
  • Chronic miscarriages
  • Spotting at the onset and/or end of menstruation
  • Constipation prior to menstruation and diarrhea at the onset
  • Dizziness with menstruation and ovulation
  • Dysmenorrhea (painful periods) and amenorrhea (missing periods)
  • Endometriosis, endometrioma, and endometritis
  • Dyspareunia (painful intercourse) and chronic pelvic pain
  • Fibroids, polyps, ovarian cysts, and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Headache or migraine with menstruation
  • Late, early, or irregular cycles
  • Lower back pain associated with menstruation
  • Ovulatory symptoms: failure to ovulate
  •  irregular ovulation, painful ovulation
  • Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), weepiness, and depression with menses
  • Hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, mood swings, and insomnia associated with menopause

Superior Menstrual Cycle Care

Alleviate the most common menstrual cycle and menopausal discomforts, and optimize natural and assisted conception by supporting the reproductive and endocrine systems naturally. 

Initial Session

2hr $178

One Month Program

$367.50/1hr sessions
Initial Session Required

Serves as an orientation to Arvigo® Therapy and its supportive modalities. *Ideally scheduled between cycle days 5-9.



  • Comprehensive consultation

  • Session Summary outlining possible root causes of symptoms and how to solve for them

  • 10 min. Herbal PeriSteam Hydrotherapy 

  • Applied Arvigo® Therapy

  • Castor oil pack application

  • Self-care instruction for use at home between sessions​

Begin to address menstrual period symptoms and cycle imbalances. Suitable for clients who prefer to actively try to conceive. 



  • 3 Follow Up Sessions

  • 3 Castor Oil Pack applications

  • Herbal PeriSteam Hydrotherapy (Steam Essentials Kit will be provided if you do not have your own and a refundable rental fee will be applied)

  • Review of self-care techniques as needed

  • Modifications to steam or castor oil plans as needed

Three Month Program

Initial Session required

Intended as a period of uterine rest and cleansing. Ideal for pregnancy prep or challenging cycle imbalances like PCOS and endometriosis. Requires client to actively avoid conception for three consecutive menstrual cycles. 



  • 5 Follow Up Sessions

  • 5 Castor Oil Pack applications

  • Herbal PeriSteam Hydrotherapy (Steam Essentials Kit will be provided if you do not have your own, a refundable rental fee will be applied)

  • Review of self care techniques as needed

  • Modifications to steam or castor oil plans as needed

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