Herbal PeriSteam Hydrotherapy
Vaginal steaming has been used by women all over the world as natural gynecology for centuries. Used to assist in the cleansing of the uterus, this comforting, soothing, self-loving practice treats numerous female conditions.

"Most people think too much. Get them to laugh and half their troubles and sickness will go away and the blessed herbs will do the rest." Don Elijio Panti
When used as a regular part of menstrual period care as well as postpartum recovery, the practice of Herbal PeriSteam Hydrotherapy offers many benefits:
​In General
Relief from menstrual cramps, vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, and menopause symptoms,
Regulation of menstrual cycles,
Postpartum, miscarriage or hysterectomy recovery,
Overcoming fertility challenges,
Resolving UTI, yeast infections, vaginitis/BV and genital herpes,
Shrinking fibroids, polyps, and cysts.
Lowers blood pressure and pulse,
Uterine restoration,
Initiates and expedites waist girth and weight loss,
Labia healing,
Quicker cessation of uterine bleeding through drawing out lochia,
Alleviates suture discomfort,
Promotes bowel regularity and hemorrhoid reduction.
It is possible that steaming positively impacts other postpartum indicators such as breast milk supply, preeclampsia prevention or treatment, incontinence prevention and promotion of urination. See the full study here.

Herbal PeriSteam Hydrotherapy Services
Natural Gynecology
Menstrual Cycle Care
Caring for your menstrual cycle from first period through menopause and beyond.
Instructions for practice
10 steams of custom blended herbs
Resolving Infections
10-day practice of mild steaming for resolving yeast or bacterial infections, genital herpes outbreak, urinary tract infection (UTI).
Instructions for practice
10 steams of custom blended herbs
Postpartum Steaming
Begin as early as day 2 postpartum and continue practice for 30 consecutive days.
Includes: ​
Instructions for practice
30 steams of custom blended herbs
Steam Essentials Kit Rental
Deposit $161
Everything you need to steam at home. Return when finished. Deposit applied toward purchase if you decide you love the seat and want to keep it!
Steam Seat​
Tote bag
Single burner hot plate
Bowl with lid
Custom Blended Herb Refills
10 steams/$30
20 steams/$60
30 steams/$90
Your custom blend can be picked up or mailed to you, plus shipping.