Supporting Digestive Wellness
The benefits of Arvigo® Therapy in improving GI symptoms are profound. Regular sessions with an Arvigo® Practitioner in conjunction with Self-Care improve many of these symptoms in a short time. Client education and lifestyle changes are important as well and will be discussed during your Initial and subsequent sessions.

"Give Mother Nature just half a chance; She has a miracle for everyone!" Dr. Rosita Arvigo
The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® may help to address the following symptoms and conditions:​
​Hyperdigestive disorders such as Peptic Ulcer, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD)
Hypodigestive disorders such as Constipation and Diverticulosis
Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
Acute and chronic indigestion
Improvement of gut health and immunity
Fatigue associated with anemia
Chronic skin conditions
Mild emotional depression
Eructation and flatulence
Lower backache associated with muscular tension in the abdomen
Weakness in the arms and legs associated with constriction of arterial blood supply in the abdomen

Rest & Digest
Relieve the most common gastrointestinal symptoms by supporting the complex processes of digestion, absorption, and elimination, as well as gut health, immunity, and emotional release.
Initial Session
2 hr $178
This first session serves as an orientation to the Arvigo® Techniques and supportive modalities.
Comprehensive consultation
Session Summary
Food combining chart
Applied Arvigo® Therapy
Castor oil pack application
Self-care instruction for use at home between sessions​
One Month Program
1hr $270
Initial session required
Begin to address digestive wellness concerns and practice new ways of relating to food and your emotions.
3 Arvigo Therapy sessions
Review of self-care instructions as needed
3 Castor oil pack applications
Ongoing emotional support and educational resources
​Review of self care technique as needed