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Unique Holistic Solutions
for Women's
Unique Womb Care Concerns

Let me help you reduce stress and feel better:

Hello, and welcome to Womb Abloom Belly Wellness Studio. I'm Teresa Harris, your Women's Wellness Professional. I'm very glad you're here! I started Womb Abloom Belly Wellness Studio ("Womb Abloom," for short) in the midst of a crisis of life, health and faith: facing unexplained fertility challenges. Though one of the more difficult seasons of my life, so I chose to go on somewhat of a quest. I left my full time job as a dental hygienist to pursue my passions for Yoga and therapeutic bodywork. I researched, traveled, made a laboratory out of my own body, charted my cycles, stood on my head, kicked, screamed, cried, prayed, and even for a time, despaired. As a result, Womb Abloom Belly Wellness Studio was conceived! My primary aim is to help women and girls as I have been helped: with professionalism and a holistic approach to reducing the harmful effects of stress on the body, mind and spirit. 


It's no secret that stress manifests in physical pain. For women, our most common stressors are obvious: body negativity, trouble maintaining energy levels, emotional armoring, negative thinking, anxiety and depression, past physical, sexual and emotional trauma, dismissing gut feelings, isolation, disconnection and inauthenticity in our most important relationships, achieving and maintaining work-life balance, and tending to the needs of others (often at our own expense). However, the biggest , most impactful stressor is the care we don't take of ourselves during menstruation. These stressors and many others underlie most of our reproductive and digestive system complaints and "dis-ease" therefore, stress management is the medicine of the future.

Temporarily closed for maternity leave. Limited PeriSteam services available. 

18 Bovard Avenue

Ormond Beach, FL 32176

Located inside Exhale Wellness Center

Tel: 386.262.3828


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How We can Help You:

"Give Mother Nature just half a chance; She has a miracle in store for everyone!" 
Dr. Rosita Arvigo

One clinically-proven way to reduce stress and induce relaxation is to have regular Massage. At Womb Abloom, I specialize in the The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy®, an ancient Mayan healing practice for addressing reproductive, maternity, and digestive health concerns. Using a gentle, non-invasive massage to the abdomen, lower back and sacrum we restore the flow of blood, nerves, energy, and lymph to the abdominal and pelvic cavities. During pregnancy, we keep the uterus in an optimum position for greater comfort, and so baby can achieve the optimal position for labor and birth. Castor oil packs, and Herbal PeriSteam Hydrotherapy are used in conjunction with these techniques to maximize the benefits and support the body to restore itself to balance.

Schedule a Discovery Call

Enjoy the website and be sure to reach out on the appointments page to schedule a Discovery Call where we can discuss your concerns and how I may be able to help.

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